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I Have Cellulite

my butt, wedgie and all.

Somehow I have escaped half of my twenties without knowing I had cellulite.

Well, being hyperaware of my body (Hello my name is Jamie and I am a hypochondriac) I knew exactly what my body looked like, but I thought they were just dimples. Dimples like the ones people find adorable on your face. I thought they were just as cute on a bottom.

I was aware of cellulite, but I always thought it was severe divots over fatty areas of your body.

I was at the dermatologists office and needed to kill time. The only thing to read was about cellulite. That was when I realized…”Hey wait a minute, I HAVE THAT!”

Suddenly my adorable dimpled buns became a horrifying diseased fanny.

It reminded me of the time I thought I saw a cricket and I wanted to free it outside, and then someone informed me I was looking at a cockroach. I killed that thing so fast your head would spin.

I guess perception is everything. I wish I never found out that my dimples were in fact a culturally unacceptable body defect.

Oh, and researching cellulite I found this weird site where it shows all beautiful celebrities have cellulite. It seems to me everyone has it. So, I’m not sure why we care about removing it. It would be like us all considering women that have breast tissue as having a body defect. Some have more than others, but we all have it to some degree…

Maybe I could move to the country, Mauritania, where cellulite is revered and seen as beautiful.

Or maybe I just don’t care 😉

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